
Pre-Op Jitters... is this normal?

on 6/8/09 5:39 am
Sunshine - how are you doing?  Today was the big day!  I don't expect to hear from you for a couple, but wanted to let you know I was thinking about you! :)
on 6/8/09 1:13 pm
How sweet!!!! Thank you so much for the happy thoughts.... they must've worked!! :)

My surgery ended up being around 11:00am.... surgeon was running a little behind schedule. It took them exactly 33 minutes to place the band.... and the surgeon said everything went PHENOMENALLY! My pre-op diet (as miserable as it was) worked really well.... my liver was shrunken down and stayed out of the way on its own... woohoo!

Recovery wasn't nearly as scary as I expected.... once I started waking up, I "came to" pretty quickly.... started munching on ice chips and walking laps around the recovery area. Everyone commented on how I was doing phenomenally well. I normally hate attention... but it was really nice to hear the reassurance :)

I'm home now.... and my back is pretty achey.... and I have to be very careful about getting up and sitting down gently because my abdomen is bloated and tender. Other than that.... everything went GREAT!!! :)

Not NEARLY as scary as I imagined... I'm actually quite pleased. I hope things continue at this rate.... although I'm sure I'll continue to experience some discomfort as I continue to heal.

Thanks for checking on me though, I appreciate it!!! :)
HW: 243lbs   SW: 222lbs  CW: 198lbs GW: 140lbs
                                              I'm just a hair under 5'1.
                                     12/1/2009- Third Fill, 7cc in a 11cc band
                                     11/3/2009- Finally under 200lbs!!! YAY!!

on 6/8/09 10:58 pm
That's GREAT news! :)   My recovery at the hospital was a lot like yours up until I was unable to void and we had to do the whole catheter thing...  It sounds like your pain levels are better though - that's GREAT! :)  Just keep walking the gas will go away in a few days.  Mine wasn't horrible - I think it was because I walked a lot.  My class info said walking worked better than meds for gas pain - so I took it to heart.  I also never did the Gas X - figured I had enough junk in my system and honestly that stuff has never worked that well for me in the past. 

I'm so glad everything went well for you! :)  You'll be feeling LOADS better in a week.  :)  Actually, you'll probably feel a lot better by this weekend.  :)  WTG on shrinking that liver too!
on 6/9/09 2:55 am
You are so sweet, thank you so much :)

My gas pain hasn't been too bad. My belly was bloated last night, but it's gone down some.... and my shoulder blades are a little sore, that's about it.

Oddly enough, they didn't make me use the restroom before I left. I've gone three times since I've gotten home.... and it's been weird.... I actually had to turn on the bathroom sink to help relax, lol.
HW: 243lbs   SW: 222lbs  CW: 198lbs GW: 140lbs
                                              I'm just a hair under 5'1.
                                     12/1/2009- Third Fill, 7cc in a 11cc band
                                     11/3/2009- Finally under 200lbs!!! YAY!!

on 6/9/09 10:42 pm
Boy I wish they wouldn't have made me use the restroom!!!  I'd have been home and more relaxed...  I seriously think I'd have been just fine...  It's funny - I tried running the water at the hospital - no go...  I think my body simply wasn't ready and there was just too much "anticipation"... 

I'm glad your bloating is going down - I hated that - so glad it's gone! :)   It sounds like you'll be racing around in a few days! :)
on 6/9/09 11:27 pm
on 6/10/09 1:04 am
Cold feet is always normal for such a big decision.  But I noticed you were scheudled for June 8.... how do you feel now?  

Congrats on the surgery and hope all went well. 

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